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Modern World History Capstone 2017- Dahlberg: ISIS / ISIL

Articles from Databases and Websites

Iraq: ISIS Sparks a Middle East Crisis, Explained

Questions to Ask About the Islamic State

Questions to Consider about ISIL / ISIS

  • Should the U.S.send ground troops to the region?
  • Should the U.S. send special troops to the region?
  • Should safe zones be enforced in Syria?
  • Should the U.S. increase the air war over Syria and Iraq?
  • Should there be a no-fly-zone over Syria?
  • Should the U.S. and other countries remove troops and focus on humanitarian aid for refugees?
  • Should a larger multinational coalition of countries be formed to combat ISIL / ISIS?

ISIL, Al-Qaeda, and Terrorism (Background)

The contentious political and religious atmosphere of the Middle East has long been a breeding ground for extremist groups. One of the most notorious of these is the Islamic State (ISIS), a militant organization that rose to power in Iraq and Syria in 2013. The sworn goal of ISIS is to form a religious state, dominated by the strict laws of fundamentalist Islam. To accomplish this, ISIS uses tactics of intimidation, such as destruction of holy sites and artifacts from other religions, mass killings, and public executions posted on social media.

Since its formation, ISIS has captured several strategic cities in Iraq and large areas in neighboring Syria. The group has proven popular with foreign-born fighters who have traveled to the region to join what they see as a call to restore God’s rule on Earth and defend Islam from non-believers. The quick spread of ISIS and the savagery of its methods have alarmed many foreign governments. Military forces from many nations have carried out airstrikes against ISIS positions in Iraq and Syria.

Source article from Opposing Viewpoints in Context