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Personal Hygiene: Shower / Bath


Step #1: Get Wet! Taking a shower or bath every day is an important step in keeping yourself clean.

Step #2: Soap and Shampoo
Whether you take a shower or a bath, you will need to use soap when you are washing yourself. Water alone will not get you clean. You need to take extra time on certain parts of your bodies that sweat more, like your fee, underarms, and private areas. You also need to use shampoo to wash your hair. If you do not wash your hair it will get greasy and smell bad.

Step #3: Drying
When you are finished with your shower or bath be sure to dry yourself completely with a towel. Remember, bacteria loves moisture!

Step #4: Deodorant
You will need to use deodorant on your underarms. During the day we sweat. When we sweat our underarms produce a bad odor. If you use deodorant every day after you shower you can keep your underarms fresh and smelling good.
