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District 219
Civil War
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Civil War: Resources
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Helpful Databases
Gale U.S. History in Context
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Information on people, places, events, and topics in U.S. History
Historical Newspapers
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Archive coverage for the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Defender and Hartford Courant 1765 - 1984
Gale Biography in Context
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Reference, periodical, and multimedia biographical resources
Gale eBooks
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Collection of encyclopedias and reference materials (ebooks)
Encyclopedia Britannica
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Three levels of encyclopedias plus extended web and periodical coverage
General Civil War Resources
The American YAWP
Textbook w/ Primary Sources
Civil War
National Geographic
Civil War Facts: 1861-1865
National Park Service
American Civil War Museum
Online Exhibits
Digital Public Library of America
American Civil War
The Civil War - Ken Burns
PBS Documentary
The Civil War and Emancipation
Crisis of the Union
Civil War Collection
Library of Congress
The American Yawp
Online History Textbook
Check out the CIVIL WAR BOOK CART in the Library for print resources for this assignment!
Important Figures in the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln Association
Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project
Abraham Lincoln Papers
Library of Congress
One Life: The Mask of Lincoln
National Portrait Gallery
Diary of a Civil War Nurse
Papers of Jefferson Davis
Rice University
Papers of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Papers of Robert E. Lee
Washington and Lee University Library
African American History Online: A Resource Guide
Library of Congress
Emancipation Proclamation
The National Archives
Civil War Stories
Soldiers and Sailors Database
The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS) is a database containing information about the men who served in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War.
Valley of the Shadow
University of Virginia Library
Civil War Photographs / Maps
Civil War Photographs
National Archives
Civil War Maps 1861-1865
Library of Congress
Photographs of African Americans During the Civil War
Library of Congress
Civil War: Prints and Photographs Online Collection
Library of Congress
Selected Civil War Photographs
Library of Congress
Civil War Songs
Civil War Songs
Civil War Odds and Ends
The Southern Homefront: 1861-1865
Virginia Secession Convention
University of Richmond
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