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Databases : Databases by Subject

Databases available through the Niles North IRC

Databases by Subject

When accessing databases offsite please use your d219 or nths219 login. If you can not access the databases with your personal login, please sign in to your NTHS Google account and then use the following password document. If you have any problems with offsite use contact Ms. Zbinden in the library.


Newspapers, Journal Articles, & Magazines

Chicago Tribune 
articles from 1985-present
New York Times 
articles from 1980-present
use the check boxes below the search bar to limit your search to magazines and newspapers
eLibrary Science 
use the check boxes below the search bar to limit your search to magazines and newspapers
Gale General Reference Center 
use the left-hand navigation menu of your search results to sort by magazine, academic journal, and news articles
Gale Student Resources in Context 
use the links in the "On This Page" box of your search results to sort by magazine, academic journal, and news articles
Historical Newspapers 
articles from the mid 1700's through 2000's
articles from academic journals
Wilson Omnifile Select 
use the left-hand navigation menu of your search results to sort by source type including magazines and academic journals

College & Career