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The Crucible - Fretzin: Class Questions


Please answer these questions for Ms. Fretzin.

The Salem WitchTrials
(1) Using Google Maps/earth, find out where Salem is. 
(2) When did the Salem witch trials take place?
(3) What kind of community was Salem?
(4) What were the religious beliefs of the people of this time and place?
(5) Who was responsible for the accusations of witchcraft?
(6) What kind of crimes were witches accused of? Give examples.
(7) How were witches punished?

Senator JosephMcCarthy and HUAC
(1) Who was Senator Joseph McCarthy?
(2) In your own words, provide a definition of McCarthyism.
(3) What was the purpose of the House Un-American Activities Committee?
(4) In which ways do their activities compare to the Salem witch trials?
(5) Are there any other modern events that can be described as witch hunts?
Find atleast one example and discuss.
Arthur Miller
(1) Who was Arthur Miller? Produce a brief biography.
(2) When did Miller write The Crucible
(3) Why did he write The Crucible?
(4) Based on your knowledge of Miller and the text, what was his opinion of the HouseUn-American Activities Committee?
(5) Why do you think Miller set his play in Salem, hundreds of years ago, rather than the 20th century?