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Civil Liberties - Bill of Rights: Bibliography / Works Cited

Citation Help

In-Text Citation Information

Citation Page Tips

Tips for Writing a Works Cited page in MLA

1. Begin on a new page with the centered title “Works Cited.”

2. Include an entry for every in-text citation.  List these alphabetically.  If you do not have an author for a source, still list that source alphabetically by its title.

3. The first line for each citation should be justified left.  The second and subsequent lines of all citations should be indented.

4. Double space all citations.  Do not include extra spaces between separate citations.

5. Italics are for book, periodical, and film titles only. Quotations are for titles of chapters, articles and short poems.

6. If you use an online citation machine, double-check it with a handbook or other trusted source before turning it in.

Sample Bibliography / Works Cited